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Coed Glas Primary School

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Meet the Governors

Welcome to our Governors' Section

Back row left to right : Mrs M Esufali, Mr D Newland, Mr A Kelly,  Mr R Willis, Mr K Pritchard, Mr M Bryan, Mrs T Megeri

Front row left to right : Mrs E Wong (Vice Chair),   Mr James Jackson, Mrs M Gardiner (Chair), Mr K Hart, Mr G Hunt.

As part of the successful running of a school the Governing Body provides support, guidance and when necessary constructive criticism. The board is made up of different types of Governor ; parents, Local Education Authority appointed, community, teaching and non-teaching staff and of course the head teacher.


The full governing body meet once per term however regular sub-committee meetings happen in between and it is within these that the nitty gritty of ensuring everything runs smoothly, policies are kept up to date and opportunities to enrich our children’s school experience are examined and developed. The list of committees is long but the key ones are ; Standards, Curriculum & Inclusion, Finance, Staffing, Buildings, Health & Safety and Safeguarding. A variety of governors from the full body are designated members of these sub-committees. We also have a ‘Governors Improvement Group’ which brings together all the chairs of the sub-committees to ensure we, as governors, are keeping up to date with our roles and responsibilities - making us better equipped to support the school.

The current membership of Coed Glas Primary School’s Governing Body is as follows ;


Mrs Meredith Gardiner




Finance, Curriculum, Standards & Inclusion, Staffing, Capability, Performance Management



Mrs Eileen Wong

Vice Chair


Curriculum Standards, Finance


Mr Kevin Hart - Headteacher


Mr Kelvin Pritchard - Parent

Finance (Chair), Staffing,


Mr Mike Bryan - LA

Curriculum Standards (Chair), Staffing, Capability Chair)


Mrs Mary Esufali - Non-teaching staff

Curriculum Standards & Inclusion


Mr James Jackson - Community

Curriculum Standards & Inclusion,  Performance Management, Staffing (Chair)


Mr David Newland - LA

Performance Management


Mr Garry Hunt - LA

Performance Management (Chair), Building/H&S


Mr A Kelly - Parent

Staffing, Safeguarding (Chair), Buildings/H&S


Mrs Tripti Megeri - Community




Mrs Sophie Notley - Teacher

Curriculum Standards & Inclusion, Finance,












And finally, some of the individual governors have specific responsibilities for key areas such as ;


Child Protection  - Mrs Sophie Notley

Additional Learning Needs (ALN) – Mr James Jackson

Health & Safety – 

Governor Training – Mrs E Wong

Attendance – Mrs Sophie Notley

Equalities - Mrs T Megeri



Parent Governors


The role of a parent governor is essential to the school. You as parent’s experience the school first hand and can provide valuable insight that can in turn help shape policies and improvements for all. Parent Governors are elected by parents and their term lasts four years.


Our current parent governors are ;

Mr W Abraham

Mr A Kelly

Mr Kelvin Pritchard

Mrs E Wong

Mrs M Gardiner
