Coed Glas is proud to be a
Rights Respecting School
What is a Rights Resecting School?
A Rights Respecting School is where together young people and the school community learn about children’s rights, putting them into practice every day. All children have rights. Rights are all the things that children and young people need to make sure that they are healthy, happy and safe.
Being a Rights Respecting School will help our learners to grow into confident, caring and responsible young citizens both in school and within the wider community.
At Coed Glas, the staff as Duty Bearers and children as Rights Holders, are committed to:
Teaching and Learning about about rights: Children learn about their rights through assemblies, inquiry projects, awareness days, special events and class charters. Rights are embedded through the curriculum.
Teaching and Learning through rights: At Coed Glas, children enjoy their rights, they are treated with dignity and respect, they feel safe and the well-being of our learners is a priority. Children are valued and involved in decisions about their learning.
Being ambassadors for the rights of others: developing as rights respecting citizens. We recognise that not all childrens' rights are being met and will use our knowledge to take action and help.