In the event that your child cannot attend school due to your household self isolating, below you can find some home learning packs for your child to complete depending on the year group they are in. Just click onto their year group to find the packs attached.
Please can your child complete the tasks set out for each day, if they are feeling well enough to do so. Each day they should complete a Literacy, Numeracy and topic task. There are also some wellbeing tasks available should they want to complete these too! Your child will find everything they need for each task within each pack (they will need to scroll all the way to the bottom to make sure they have not missed anything).
Mrs Udry and Mrs Goode are available to support children in the completion of their home learning tasks in the event that your child cannot attend school due to your household having to self isolate.
If you need any help with anything, please feel free to contact them via their school email addresses:
Mrs Udry –
Mrs Goode –
Please continue to submit work on Seesaw if your child is Year 2 or Class Dojo if your child is in Reception or Year 1.
Children in Years 3-6 can email their work across to Mrs Udry or Mrs Goode for feedback.
Take care and stay safe!
Useful website links:
English: (If your child does not know their login information for Oxford Owl, they can use the username: coedglas / password: coedglas)
Other: (Click login and select ‘Students Sign In’. Username and password are the same as ‘Hwb’ details)