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Coed Glas Primary School

Roots to grow, Wings to fly

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Miss Drew


Homework in Year 6 will be in the form of half-termly grids, where children are encouraged to complete approximately one a week. The tasks are all in-line with our current topic and will encourage them to explore certain areas in more detail. 

Croeso i flwyddyn 6

Hello and welcome to the year 6 class pages.

Here, we will keep you updated with homework, trips and the children's learning in year 6.



Miss Drew:


Daily Mile

We will be completing a daily mile so please ensure pupils have sensible shoes that they can run in for this activity.  Please also ensure that your child has a refillable drinks bottle in school too.



PE lessons for our class this year will be on a Wednesday. Children are required to WEAR THEIR PE KIT TO SCHOOL for this lesson.  They will not change at the start or end of the lesson. 

P.E. Kit: please ensure you are wearing plain joggers/shorts and a plain t-shirt (in blue or white or house colour), and appropriate footwear for sport.



Our swimming lessons will start on Wednesday 21st September and last for 10 weeks. Our swimming lessons will take the place of our PE lessons. They will need to bring swimming costume, towel and goggles. A refundable £1 coin will work on the lockers. 

Meet the Teacher

We hope you and the children have settled into the new routines of school life once again.  It has been lovely to see and hear the classes full again and to meet the new year 6 of Coed Glas.

Thank you to those who came along to our 'Meet the Teacher' meeting. If you were unable to attend, or would like to read the information again, please see the attached document regarding routines, contact details, topics etc.  

As always, please don't hesitate to contact us (see ppt) should you have any queries.

Home Learning Packs


In the event that your child feels well but cannot attend school due to your household self isolating, these home learning packs are available for them to complete if you would like them

Each home learning pack contains a Literacy, Maths, topic and wellbeing task. Your child will find everything they need for each task within each pack (they will need to scroll all the way to the bottom to make sure they have not missed anything). 


These home learning packs are not homework tasks. 
